The articles cover diverse topics, they collectively emphasize the role of education, community collaboration, social sciences, economics, and technology in fostering development, both at the individual and community levels. Each article contributes to understanding how these factors interact to shape various aspects of social and economic life.
Table of Contents
Exploring The Economic Potential of Banjararum Village Through Economics Education: A Phenomenological Analysis | PDF 1-14 |
Ardhita Eko Ginanjar, Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, Muhammad Abdul Ghofur, Heny Musfidah |
Exploring Strategies to Facilitate Diverse Student Learning Styles in Social Science Education | PDF 15-26 |
Fawziah Zahrawati B, Andi Aras |
Exploring the Impact of Learning Motivation Interactions on Problem Solving Skills in Social Studies Learning | PDF 27-43 |
Peggi Pratiwi, Disman Disman, Siti Nurbayani |
The Influence of Food Quality, Subculture, and Situational Factors on Purchasing Decisions | PDF 44-57 |
Sherlinda Fadhillah Tanjung, Rizky Maulina Malarani Pelealu, Anisa Anisa, Agung Prabowo |
Analysis of Gender Representation in The Main Characters of The Film Barbie 2023: A Social Science Educational Perspective | PDF 58-72 |
Liza Dwi Eftiza Khairunniza, Sari Sri Handani, Dena Mustika, Yunita Haryani |
CSR as a Social Activity and Islamic Performance Index on The Profit Growth of Islamic Bank in Supporting Economic | PDF 73-89 |
Lusy Annisya, Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana |
The Influence of Training and Competency on Serviceman Performance | PDF 90-104 |
Anggun Suci Budiarti, Sulastri Sulastri, Muhammad Ichsan Hadjri, Zunaidah Zunaidah |
The Collaboration Between The Government and Villager to Develop Gerabah Educational Tourism | PDF 105-116 |
Rio Pradana Aquatama, Ravik Karsidi, Drajat Tri Kartono |
Building Young Generation Character: Strategies for Internalizing The Disciplinary Character of Junior High School Students | PDF 117-127 |
Etty Ratnawati, Nasehudin Nasehudin |
Partnership Patterns and Production Factors in Rice Farming (Case Study: PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera in Ponorogo Regency) | PDF 128-141 |
Jesika Ayu Nur Islami, Nuriah Yuliati, Ida Syamsu Roidah |
Comprehensive Industrial Coaching for Msme Business Development in Pedagogical Perspective | PDF 142-157 |
Dangi Dangi, Ade Sobandi, Widhi Ariyo Bimo |
The Development Strategy of Wingko Agroindustry (Case Study: Ud. Bintang Jaya In Lamongan Regency) | PDF 158-173 |
Elif Putri Anggraini, Nuriah Yuliati, Nisa Hafi Idhoh Fitriana |
Shahibah Yuliani, Disman Disman, Enok Maryani, Siti Nurbayani, Eva Precilia Lukman |
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Competence on Employee Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction | PDF 189-198 |
Tutik Lestari, Sarsono Sarsono, Supawi Pawenang |
The Influence of Digital Literacy on The Use of Online Tutoring Systems According To Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) | PDF 199-214 |
Nur Eka Istikomah, Sudarno Sudarno, Muhammad Sabandi |
Analysis of the Relationship Between Digital Marketing Strategies and Customer Orientation with the Competitive Advantage of SMEs | PDF 215-231 |
Icin Quraysin, Ngadino Surip Diposumartob, Hari Muharam |